- @TitansCreed I've done better. https://t.co/mWXf9Qvv9u in reply to TitansCreed ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Mar.2016 – 11.Mar.2016" https://t.co/4Z8CMcT4pT ->
- Fucking ear infection and cold. Go away now so I can enjoy Spring break and St. Patrick's Day… ->
- And after all that, I have a busy Saturday on Eve Online… ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Remind me never to offer you a Red Bull, lest we send you into plaid faster than these guys: https://t.co/9wKo9JTK1y in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @sonicyoda @teamchaotix You got the original theatrical version apparently rather than the Extended Edition in reply to sonicyoda ->
- I know this will get completely imploded within the first two rounds, but what the hell. #marchmaddess #Bracketology https://t.co/cblTZtm9Oz ->
- Anyways, I am in hiding while my only green shirt is in the laundry. ->
- A word of caution on this #StPatricksDay – Any and all pinchers who try that shit with me will be impaled. ->
- @roareyraccoon You might want to re-roll that tomorrow. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- Biafra is a Barbarian.
His stats are as followed:
STR – 9
DEX – 16
CON – 13
INT – 18
WIS – 15
CHA – 9
This thing sux ->