- Well, at least with this Republican, you can actually gamble where his likely Western/Summer White House will be located ->
- @Max_Firestorm In the end, you did have just one, so that is something… in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- Ok, $50 in Nintendo eShop, what to buy? ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Nov.2016 – 11.Nov.2016" https://t.co/BMDttY4ka4 ->
- @spexfox Try watching a ton of WhatCulture videos. That might flush the Sargon out of the recommendations in reply to spexfox ->
- Final results have "Indie game" as the winner. So onto the eShop section I go… https://t.co/MEe02bDJve ->
- You all want me an buying indie game, here you go! (Cave Story for 3DS) https://t.co/6nwQrqTdBZ in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @ShaunKing: Boycott @MillerCoors. Executives and owners there are HUGE Donald Trump supporters. They represent DOZENS of major beers.
C… ->
- RT @AlGiordano: 11. That's actually one of the dumbest things people have said in a year filled with dumb claims. Sanders would have been a… ->
- RT @AlGiordano: 17. If you dragged Clinton down, YOU share the blame. Not those who held her up! And you're so self-unaware that now you bl… ->
- @spexfox This is why I prefer @ShinerBeer myself. in reply to spexfox ->
- This must spread further 😛 https://t.co/lYDwMBueq3 ->
- Some food for thought to the #BernieOrBust and #JillNotHill crowds: https://t.co/DGMlxloLUl ->
- Hopefully .@TheDemocrats should coalesce around .@keithellison for DNC chair, & also look toward a decent centrist in 2020 like .@timkaine ->
- Some might disagree, some (e.g. the #BernieOrBust crowd) might threaten to walk off for good. That would be a grave error on their end. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- The only way progressive change'll come in this country is from .@TheDemocrats – no other party (especially the greens) is a credible choice in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- So to everyone on the left, hear this: No matter who wins the nomination in 2020, we must all join together under the Dems umbrella, or die. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ArachneSpidher Unfortunately, that "grrr two party sux" thinking got us the mess we are hiring towards. #WakeUp #GetIn & #PissOutOfTheTent in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher The Green movement is never going to be an electoral force unless they learn to make change from within in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher … and part of that change is a willingness to bend your stiff fucking neck in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ArachneSpidher Funny… I was thinking the same about people who vote third-party to throw sand in the works #Wreckers in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher you first you self-deluded scat-muncher in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- RT @Pokemon: RT if you're #TeamLitten for #PokemonSunMoon! https://t.co/RkcHoJChIF ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Gotta admit, that evangelical gobshite Mike Pence is far more sinister to me than Trump, lol. Dumbass of the highest ord… ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Put him in conversion therapy like he wants to do to gay kids. Torture the Christian bullshit out of him. ->
- RT @petercbowden: and that concludes our intensive three-week course https://t.co/cCJp8sav7a ->
- Less than six and a half hours to go… #PokemonSunMoon ->
- Ares launches Cute Attack.
It's super-effective! https://t.co/oZtylS81t1 -> - @Artie_P Yeah, but IMO 32GB is plenty storage. I barely have a third of mine filled in reply to Artie_P ->
- @spexfox Gives a new meaning to the phrase "White Christmas" in reply to spexfox ->
- These have got to be some of the whitest gangstas ever… #PokemonSunMoon https://t.co/OjZGVznyEA ->
- The weird thing is this: Has in Pokemon Sun picked the weaker of the two starters against my Litten #TeamLitten ->