- @lukeming Judging by Trump blowing up their phones you may want to pay a personal visit.
(BTW, apologies for our m… https://t.co/rziUfsJOT6 in reply to lukeming ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Sep.2020 – 11.Sep.2020" https://t.co/yShzDSgffM ->
- @FallGuysGame !GoodBot in reply to FallGuysGame ->
- @abcboy101 No Skitty still? Screw that. in reply to abcboy101 ->
- @mreiof @LupineAssassin Gitmo is too good for him. Send him to USP Florence ADMAX in Colorado. in reply to mreiof ->
- @ValorB Because it's all the rage in Denmark? in reply to ValorB ->
- @PumpSpiceSnolf The smart ones from there relocated to the Texas Hill Country permanently after Katrina. The rest m… https://t.co/jSdqZqcstR in reply to PumpSpiceSnolf ->
- D, unfortunately.
Chalk that up to my mom who had to be strong armed by her in-laws to allow a Sega Genesis into t… https://t.co/ea5CUNsCvi ->
- @DarkOverord It's actually not the brightness. Check your refresh rate on your monitor. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @DarkOverord I get it a bit.
I am from Florida originally. I do not like conch meat and am super-picky of fried green tomatoes. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @ValorB That finish is just the right shade to pick up a huge amount of scuffs. in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB I thought they were selling for a fair bit more than that. Last I checked, the base digital only versions w… https://t.co/DY3vFVR28y in reply to ValorB ->
- Trump https://t.co/FqNRFrOCxq ->
- @SenSchumer Please tell us you have your telephone books, holy books, and dictionaries ready for the onslaught… https://t.co/qzVw5vht6S ->
- @AlGiordano That depends on how long the dispute lasts. If the courts and/or Congress can't sort out the electoral… https://t.co/lFI4S00rNB in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @AlGiordano In case of a.) issues getting the expected result of Pelosi's re-election officially certified (unlikel… https://t.co/eW7S6XS4SQ in reply to AlGiordano ->