- @TheCoffeeSnolf Absolutely not! in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- RT @Nuurbs: *In a parking lot*
We have to burn 40 minutes what would we do.
@FloraCatz: let's look at porn -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 07.Jul.2018 – 13.Jul.2018" https://t.co/anqRPChEax ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf I not only remember it well, my family used to have almost the exact same couch when I was a kid. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @NonchalantBread @TheCoffeeSnolf Yeah, but when your family is poor and you are sick, you were lucky to get even store brand. in reply to NonchalantBread ->
- Clearly something is wrong with the universe since this is allowed to exist… https://t.co/O7o40gD2IR ->
- @NonchalantBread @TheCoffeeSnolf Actually Sprite is not a store brand. in reply to NonchalantBread ->
- @sonicyoda I think they were using the Genesis box art template but painted the red part blue and put the Mega Drive name on it. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- So much for a midnight release for #SonicManiaPlus for the #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/mJj84Axu4N ->
- @AtypicalPhantom There is supposed to be an update that adds in the DLC option. in reply to AtypicalPhantom ->
- @Spacemania I have you hear there:
I once had a single physical 3 month PSN card delivered to me in a large-size U… https://t.co/ToJwTxDCsr in reply to Spacemania ->