- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 07.Oct.2017 – 13.Oct.2017" https://t.co/e6mULc1DIh ->
- @AlGiordano My mom is still alive 18 months after being diagnosed with brain and spinal tumors. Doctors only gave her three with treatment. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- Donald Trump: Add far as I am concerned, you can take my Obamacare #FromMyColdDeadHands you misogynistic son of a bitch! ->
- If you think protesting racism is unpatriotic but disrespecting military widows isn't, you're probably NOT A PATRIOT https://t.co/YdtXf7nEyP ->
- @m1kepro Not surprised about this one tbh. After all, he had already shown a willingness to mock gold star families… https://t.co/NkA6Pr6R43 in reply to m1kepro ->
- @BronxTies @BarbaraAnnFlrn @eagleraydiver @Pajjr2016 @lifesafeast @realEliasGabler I prefer ADX Florence. It is go… https://t.co/2vPcPebQjt in reply to BronxTies ->
- RT @meemoo1470: https://t.co/jBXvjvXgLx ->
- Well, that was … interesting … https://t.co/XlxMdWJaDz ->
- Happy belated birthday wishes to @loopywolf as I missed his last week due to midterms. ->
- @fuktwonk Congrats Tweaker sexual! in reply to fuktwonk ->
- RT @adampowers: ? It looks like you're repressing your gender identity. Would you like to fix that?
? Wait are you saying I can be a girl
?… ->