- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 07.Sep.2013 – 13.Sep.2013" http://t.co/ncbwD7QcQG ->
- Sorry Guys. I'm still poking at my encoders getting them to work. Safe to say no A/V Hijack this week. ->
- @seraphjaguar @evil_sibe @Lucian_Lutrae @rokaotter Odd, considering that Detroit from Robocop (especially the second one) was really Houston in reply to seraphjaguar ->
- @DarkOverord I advise ignoring those suggestions completely. First instincts are usually best. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @McSwaggerVanato Specs and Power supply choices are good. I'm concerned about the ventilation in your case choice, though. in reply to McSwaggerVanato ->
- @McSwaggerVanato @DarkOverord It's times like these why I'm glad to have jumped to AMD. in reply to McSwaggerVanato ->
- @TorinDarkflight @evil_sibe Hah. I live in a part of TX where I have to smuggle fireworks in thru several towns that have banned their sale. in reply to TorinDarkflight ->
- @McSwaggerVanato Ah… Well in any case, I wouldn't bother with that anyway. in reply to McSwaggerVanato ->
- @McSwaggerVanato Cooling system for the CPU is easy enough… Antec Kuhler H2O 620 @ under £45 on Amazon – http://t.co/lsE5Z3UtxM in reply to McSwaggerVanato ->
- @SimpleMobile @tapinfluence Aside from a much bigger boost in 4G data and LTE support, a foot in the door of the tech industry. in reply to SimpleMobile ->
- @tssznews You're wondering why the community hates you and Sega gives you no love? This is why. (CC @kellieparker @SEGAbits) in reply to tssznews ->
- @tssznews Hate to break it to you, but it's not pretend. Barring a few sycophants & brain dead idiots, the community is not impressed w/you. in reply to tssznews ->
- @tssznews Unless you're willing to provide proof to that in decimal, I'm assuming you're counting the figures in binary form. in reply to tssznews ->
- @SilverSonic I just don't like the fact that iOS is basically subsidizing Apple's loss-making, $1500 for a mediocre PC, computer operation. in reply to SilverSonic ->
- @FluffTank I buy them off eBay. They're cheap. Just make sure to buy from a US seller; it takes Chinese shipments 3 weeks to clear customs. in reply to FluffTank ->
- @SilverSonic Since the weather went crappy, it's swinging from good to horrible. Here's horrible to cheer you up… http://t.co/Vm5bpI9o24 in reply to SilverSonic ->