- @AlGiordano I never really understood why certain comedians love Chomsky so much and/or cite him as an influence un… https://t.co/4JMqYTKr88 in reply to AlGiordano ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.Apr.2022 – 15.Apr.2022" https://t.co/C33kapzZiF ->
- Now Streaming Elder Scrolls Online
https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC -> - @Tea_The_Khajiit Unfortunately as a long-time fan of the franchise I already have my legally mandated disembodied… https://t.co/86OzOwmXqy in reply to Tea_The_Khajiit ->
- @JustSomeAndy How were the chocolates? in reply to JustSomeAndy ->
- @wahlstedt007 As an American, the answer is quite simple: it's because 5 morons chose to ignore 50% of the plain te… https://t.co/wiAUj8sgI0 in reply to wahlstedt007 ->
- Check and check again with your state/county! Many can and do purge inactive voters. https://t.co/5uvvSwbXvU ->
- Obviously the stream has been cancelled. My head isn't in the space for things today. Trying again tomorrow. ->
- Now Streaming LET IT DIE
https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->