- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.Dec.2017 – 15.Dec.2017" https://t.co/zWtnWBSNPF ->
- @comcastcares Apparently Xfinity internet is down in Dickinson, TX due to a vague outage. ->
- @comcastcares Sent. in reply to comcastcares ->
- Wisdom tooth extraction today (again). This time with drugs! Wish me luck everyone! ->
- Done with the wisdom tooth removal. I am closed, oozing from the site, and on plenty of Norco, but otherwise my normal self. ->
- @lastmincontinue It only works if the charm is cast by a virgin. in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- Doordash is an amazing food-ordering service that you should give a try! Click the link to sign up and we both get… https://t.co/l0fe25K4wm ->