- Don't mind Ted Cruz, people. He's a cunt. https://t.co/ybP3z6h9MF ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.Jan.2016 – 15.Jan.2016" https://t.co/GM3TAQj4on ->
- @moversi What about the T-Mobile US version of the One M9? in reply to moversi ->
- @spexfox To be fair, Hillary's response was cut off… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox She does do acts of bipartisanship, but generally not with the people who have tried to destroy her since the early 90s in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox It's a risk; then again, the Republicans have thrown everything into derailing her campaign, from Benghazi to her hubby to emails. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox She has more than a right to be bitter at the last gasping remains of the so-called party of Lincoln in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Unfortunately, she still is the one to beat on the blue team. As much as I like Bernie Sanders, he is not going to win it. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Maybe I am a bitter jaded person, but right now, I want a candidate that will easily keep the ACA safe until the GOP dies off in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Unfortunately the most likely person to do that is Hillary Clinton in reply to spexfox ->
- @sonicyoda Why not just xfer to digital? If they come over warped all that is needed to fix them is some work in Audacity. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @sonicyoda After you get the music converted to digital, you can still use them for kindling in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @Max_Firestorm I am going to guess 'porn' as statistically that seems the most likely answer to the question. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @sonicyoda I prefer to think of myself as ahead of the curve. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- RT @DragonflyJonez: MLK was in Memphis supporting striking sanitation workers when he was killed. Tidbit for you "fast food workers dont de… ->
- @MaraWritesStuff For office, yeah. For gaming, they're faster than consoles. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @Demifur @SparkyROAR That and Twitter thinks that tweet is in Polish. in reply to Demifur ->
- RT @frankieboyle: Who can say why the Guardian removed a paragraph I wrote about Rupert Murdoch after it went up? #Jesuisfrankie https://t.… ->
- @Singedrac Odd, the latter's site runs clean according to VirusTotal and Sucuri. in reply to Singedrac ->
- RT @trulyavaporeon: Keep working https://t.co/6URxcWWYN4 ->
- @roareyraccoon I have this problem as well. Take 4 Ibuprofen and stretch out the back a bit. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @TenebrisDrox: https://t.co/bMRCkEYl6f ->
- @roareyraccoon Ah. Well whatever won't interact with your other meds, take an Rx dose of it. in reply to roareyraccoon ->