- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.August.2013 – 16.August.2013" http://t.co/zBoQulmJCi ->
- Okay, having a big migraine today it seems. This might make DJing impossible today… ->
- Fuck it. Was going to tough it out, but nope Verizon DSL is refusing to cooperate today. No A/V Hijack today. Sorry, guys. ->
- @thekevineva I have the cure for that, some slash fiction involving the two! It will cure you of the awkwardness right quick. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @SonicTweaker Goodness, is that foul-mouthed degenerate @mattatobin still alive (j/k, he's cool 🙂 ) in reply to SonicTweaker ->
- @ruskertweets Because only men can produce it, silly spotty pup. in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @SonicTweaker I got a 22" Vizio TV for that off Ebay cheap. It's 16:9 and has 2 HDMI ports, plus a composite and a component input. in reply to SonicTweaker ->
- @SonicTweaker @SonicEpsilon Also, I would go with a cheap headset personally, but then again, I go through them way too fast myself. in reply to SonicTweaker ->
- @SonicEpsilon @SonicTweaker I go with the Plantronics .Audio 326. While not USB, I prefer them as they provide good quality for the price. in reply to SonicEpsilon ->
- @SonicEpsilon Plus, the Plantronics .Audio 326 is optimized for Skype and VoIP services. in reply to SonicEpsilon ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: By next month, you'll be hearing a lot more out of us both here on twitter & at http://t.co/DmI6v1atVy Better get ready… ->
- @frankieboyle And still, people say Cherie Blair got off easy… in reply to frankieboyle ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->