- RT @Gasketpedia: omg….. i now know what a 1 day old chinchilla looks like http://t.co/sOn9OwMPHE ->
- RT @Rurijian: http://t.co/iWA0lZPDB1 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.Oct.2015 – 16.Oct.2015" http://t.co/L88Tw9qOot ->
- RT @SteelClaw_Fox: http://t.co/vpirbySZh0 ->
- @Urtheart I just use my Android and the VLC app in reply to Urtheart ->
- @ValorB Really, you're drinking that bottled piss water? in reply to ValorB ->
- @Xial I would kill for unrestricted voting by mail. Not having to schedule a trip to the polling place is a dream come true. in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial Then again, Galveston County, TX uses a vote center system, so it's not that much of a deal not to vote by mail… in reply to Xial ->
- @xkeepah They are actually dumb kiosks. I learned the hard way. in reply to xkeepah ->
- tonight's dinner courtesy of .@pollotropical https://t.co/cJ6fhwEhhm ->
- For those of you on .@WildStar search for Biafra Republic on the Entity PiE server. I decided to roll an Aurin Spellslinger and am Level 11 ->
- @e_sibe Weren't you also named from Further Confusion as well? in reply to e_sibe ->
- @e_sibe blame auto-correct in reply to e_sibe ->
- @e_sibe also what happened there with them? in reply to e_sibe ->
- Good news, Sword Art Online season II is on .@netflix … Bad news, it's the subbed version, not the English dub. #FirstWorldProblems ->
- @fuktwonk Maybe so, but I prefer my anime dubbed. in reply to fuktwonk ->
- @Xial People still T9 text? In this day and age? in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial Dude needs a smartphone. They can be bought at Walmart these days for cheap in reply to Xial ->
- I actually considered this for Halloween, but that'd require me to shed 60 lbs in 3 wks which would require effort. https://t.co/tncENcXw8p ->