- RT @dumbassgenius: Angela Merkel has a PhD in quantum chemistry.
Donald Trump misspelled "tap."
Not exactly a meeting of the minds. https:/… -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 11.Mar.2017 – 17.Mar.2017" https://t.co/5rkGzMFFgS ->
- Paging @thekevineva … https://t.co/AS04ScEeR4 ->
- @sonicyoda I was going to go with Robert, but that seems a bit too easy an answer. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Apparently a lone assailant was shot by police trying to attack the UK Parliament. While thoughts/ go out to the dead and wounded… (1/2) ->
- … we must ensure that Trump+GOP cannot use this act to ram thru more laws/orders that're discriminatory, racist, &/or un-American (2/2) ->
- RT @HereBeHuskies: "Soft husky, warm husky, little ball of fur, happy husky, sleepy husky, woof, woof, woof." https://t.co/vtMrtgyBYs ->
- RT @MythicalRedFox: @FennyTFox @microdile Studies have found that hunting coyotes only exacerbates the problem. https://t.co/By61pDde6I htt… ->
- RT @fagstein: Science proves Shakira doctrine was incorrect. https://t.co/iMz1Lr6yLe ->
- Hey, @AlGiordano any word on your plans to run for .@TheDemocrats nomination for the Senate seat in VT? #RunAlRun ->
- @tweetsauce Bacon soda is far worse in reply to tweetsauce ->
- Well, I finally got on PSN. #CueTheApocalypse
https://t.co/CDU3guWlBE https://t.co/F0Ek0Vf9EZ ->