- RT @Nuurbs: As I was panicing as I'd be directly affected: This is the health minister. GRS is not defunded, you're all safe. It'll be alri… ->
- @TURBOXLR What happened? I missed the stream due to local weather warnings. in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 11.May.2019 – 17.May.2019" https://t.co/7HiQ4f6oYh ->
- @facesinperil That and because resurrecting the Hardcore title in the PG era is never going to happen in the bubble… https://t.co/EkXkQCEgXs in reply to facesinperil ->
- @Mendinso My mom used to put Mayo in cake mix instead of egg and oil when I was a kid…
Then again, my mom also a… https://t.co/q2YxxzU7go in reply to Mendinso ->
- @Mendinso The former: one cannot taste Mayo at all under the massive amount of chocolate in Devil's Food cake.
- @sonicyoda He definitely looks like a long term world of weakshite player. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Goth brown and tan fox https://t.co/GxBpzCpack ->
- @xyflup Still not as catchy as the Koro Sensei drawing song… https://t.co/XHDtfNiKDo in reply to xyflup ->
- @Max_Firestorm Sounds like you should return the favor by delivering from pre-cooked scrambled eggs fresh from the… https://t.co/QIrOUiEbni in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @Spacemania @mileslaw2 @APWestRegion @AP The 'buerocrats' you refer to are no armchair quarterbacks in the professi… https://t.co/mJWX2987Cg in reply to Spacemania ->
- @sonic_hedgehog #AskTails If you had a choice between $50 million and blipping Eggman out of existence, which would you do and why? in reply to sonic_hedgehog ->