- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 12.Dec.2015 – 18.Dec.2015" https://t.co/GbeG2iRUu6 ->
- @philvgersims You already did by misspelling 'pariah' in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: If you want to find the center of the car, drop a nut. https://t.co/auogMkz6Na ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: it was a forbidden romance but they didn't care. https://t.co/dsMT5DxVXr ->
- RT @SpaceX: Landing from helo https://t.co/dYomRtG0Xs ->
- @philvgersims Over here. You'll get it back when you donate some cash during New Year's Fucking Eve on .@SEGASonicRadio in reply to philvgersims ->
- @philvgersims All money raised goes to .@CPCharity … in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: ME: I dropped a piece of popcorn down my shirt!
@aardvarsk: Stop trying to flirt with me, Mara -> - RT @asimplemachine: We have introduced catnip to our household https://t.co/df5FxL154n ->
- RT @mallelis: unrelated but I believe strongly that Woody Woodpecker is a lesbian ->
- 9:15pm on a Tuesday, what to do? ->
- RT @LupineAssassin: Never forget. https://t.co/TBOZOfvYNp ->
- RT @Spottacus: Well, *he's* the one that made it weird. "RT @ThatHornedFox: I blame them all" http://t.co/vGnK3sUiat ->
- @evilbmcats That's assuming it is ice and not a bunch of cocaine. in reply to evilbmcats ->
- @chalurzard @glowmew I would buy this but I have no need of the simulator thanks to memories from an impoverished childhood. in reply to chalurzard ->
- RT @dynamofire: parents have the yule log on with closed captioning https://t.co/3dLAXNvjr3 ->
- My Christmas is largely on hold because the bulk of my family wants to wait for my eldest sister to finally get up and arrive on the 30th. ->
- Fortunately, I got myself 3 Xmas gifts: Both Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing games and the Deadpool video game. ->