- Tonight @ 9pm CST we cap off the streaming week with Elder Scrolls Online chill streaming on Twitch
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Feb.2021 – 19.Feb.2021" https://t.co/Ubh0PXiUBa ->
- @AlGiordano I use a big and tall gaming chair for my work from home job as I tend to plop myself down on chairs. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @AlGiordano Honestly, if this were 2014, maybe $11 would suffice. Nowadays, though, I'm uncertain even that would s… https://t.co/34Fom1crwi in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @AlGiordano There is a third option: Article II Section 3. All that's needed is for a "disagreement" between Pelosi… https://t.co/Clsp3nbQy9 in reply to AlGiordano ->
- Join me on Twitch on 3/3/2021 starting at 3PM CST (9PM UTC) as we slosh our way through my 38th birthday
- Post an image of yourself as the final boss without downloading new pics. https://t.co/83JCVNmwm3 https://t.co/WYDMukq07p ->
- RT @BrujoFaolan: https://t.co/K9Wip9NFgB ->
- Pre-streaming now. About to wrap up NieR:Automata on Twitch.
- @NewDayForNJ @SpeakerPelosi Technically, the first year in office the President doesn't give a "state of the union"… https://t.co/IjVMpDdnX0 in reply to NewDayForNJ ->
- @Max_Firestorm @FrameshiftShark In my experience, carriers tend to only update once daily until "on truck for deliv… https://t.co/F1TAjllcR6 in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @DarkOverord Try looking for "rubber feet for tablet"
Or just go with a rubberized or silicone case in reply to DarkOverord -> - Today @ 2pm CST (8pm UTC) We do more Fall Guys on Twitch as we take another sprint to the level cap.
- B-Rep Live Streams – It's not streaming, it's ESO https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->