- #HandwritingTest ->
- Need something to eat… Burgers, texmex, or chicken… ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Jun.2015 – 19.Jun.2015" http://t.co/cbgZazz7gS ->
- Dunno which is worse when telling a phone 'fuck you', Siri making a remark, or Google Now returning a search for the Cee-Lo Green song. ->
- In other news, I am cautiously optimistic about an FF7 remake. If they can remake it without changing the mechanics, then it will do well. ->
- If they decide to use FFXIII's mechanics in FF7, then all is lost. ->
- @philvgersims When you have a dedicated closet for them is where I draw the line… in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @0xabad1dea: The adults who said "you'll thank me someday" for their harsh treatment are not the adults I am grateful for twenty years l… ->
- RT @AmznMovieRevws: Bambi. #HappyFathersDay http://t.co/cMiZ6prbl6 ->
- For those of you wondering about my plans for Father's Day, I plan on drinking enough rum & Cokes to briefly forget about my deadbeat dad. ->
- @ruskertweets Noodle Kitchen sounds like a winner, having got the late night vibe in their name already. in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @Max_Firestorm 105°C? You sure that isn't °F? in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @Max_Firestorm What CPU and mobo are you using? It sounds like one of them has a faulty temp diode or needed a water cooling kit in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Here is an article with ways to donate: http://t.co/QpSj2AfxBC in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @RadioSEGA Motavia from the Phantasy Star series. #RSTop40 in reply to RadioSEGA ->
- @philvgersims @Shadow_Remix So give the rest away if you are so concerned. in reply to philvgersims ->
- Hey @VerizonSupport how do I adjust QoS on the ActionTec GT704WG Gateway? Almost all our download speed is being taken up by one Smart TV. ->
- @thekevineva Sadly yes. Fortunately, I got a copy of Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum as well as both Hotline Miami games. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @thekevineva Also got all non-skin DLC for Borderlands 2 in reply to thekevineva ->
- RT @byuu_san: ZSNES v1.51 exploit: it's possible to execute native x86 code embedded inside SNES ROM images. https://t.co/tkXX9j8ln2 ->
- Drinking Starbucks while sitting in a dentist's office for a friend. Fun times. ->
- RT @brokeymcpoverty: bless whoever is spray painting "black lives matter" on confederate monuments. ✊http://t.co/m4oYQxNfkt ->
- I found 114 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83hvMf ->
- I thought I would never say this about a conservative, but thank you Chief Justice Roberts for keeping the #Obamacare subsidies alive. ->
- @MaraWritesStuff I always pictured you as more of a Ron Howard child-actor-turned-director type. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @cargoweasel: Scotus upholds obamacare. Time to pop open a bottle! http://t.co/4xyhP3y9Aa ->
- @tssznews My 2013 Moto X falls back to the home screen with a connection lost error when I try to get Facebook friends total scores. in reply to tssznews ->
- @tssznews My 2013 Moto X also likes to spin its wheels when (re)connecting at random intervals in reply to tssznews ->
- RT @_AlexHirsch: The nation's grumpy old straight guys respond to the news http://t.co/X6b7fQ99QB ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: Now that #EqualityWins it's time for a change. -Biafra ->
- RT @mondo_tiki_man: Heh. “@SarahWoodwriter “@TomAdelsbach Oh GOD, it burns… it BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRNNNNSSSSS!!!
#LoveWins (again.) http://t.c… ->