- Now streaming Back 4 Blood…
Part 1 of our Saturday Double-Header.
Catch it on Twitch.
https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Nov.2021 – 19.Nov.2021" https://t.co/PeDQvDhat9 ->
- Now streaming Elder Scrolls Online…
Part 2 of our Sunday (not Saturday) Double-Header.
Catch it on Twitch.
https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC -> - @danomdragon @DarkOverord Just so long as Caillou stays on the backbenches where they belong. in reply to danomdragon ->
- @HiroRwar ESO gay here. in reply to HiroRwar ->
- @scottywartooth Oh dear. Keep fighting the good fight against the TikTok moneychangers. in reply to scottywartooth ->
- RT @TGNProfessor: @ScotRail @LaurakBuzz @BaldyJallet It's rail transport, not rail cisport. ->
- @thekevineva Please tell me they at least gave you some propofol beforehand. in reply to thekevineva ->