- First lesson of surviving quarantine: sanity is highly overrated when it comes to fulfilling it's "intended purpose… https://t.co/Md6fmOQG2X ->
- Second lesson on surviving quarantine: Think outside the box, especially when panic buying hits and the toilet paper is sold out. ->
- Lesson 3 on quarantine survival: make sure you have a multi-week supply of food, medicine, and other sundries. Also… https://t.co/5FNCnru4hU ->
- @GovStitt What about medical cannabis?
Patients are going to be without access to this medicine during this! Any p… https://t.co/AI99lqyt1q in reply to GovStitt ->
- Just remember…
#SpreadTheWordNotTheVirus Oklahoma https://t.co/NMWLoqERAh ->
- @AkitagamiOtter Is it just me, or does this look something that would be on a sheet of acid in reply to AkitagamiOtter ->
- @GeorgeTakei Buffy, Angel, and maybe the original Roswell in reply to GeorgeTakei ->