- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Feb.2020 – 21.Feb.2020" https://t.co/eyMXrAT9Cu ->
- @LupineAssassin Nice! in reply to LupineAssassin ->
- @SirSnolf Be glad it isn't going through the other end. The prep for that sucks! in reply to SirSnolf ->
- Thankfully, Super Tuesday falls on my birthday this year, so all I have to do is to drive 1/4 mile to my local poll… https://t.co/uJ2PoJlgNS ->
- @SirSnolf And yet, I would totally prefer the bottom one over the rest. in reply to SirSnolf ->
- @ValorB @dirrty_foxxx Nice in reply to ValorB ->
- @davidwbrown @marcorubio To be fair, he is one of the two senators from Florida, aka America's Wang in reply to davidwbrown ->
- @adultswim #WhatColorIsP Urine ->
- RT @_youhadonejob1: Another actor ruined by drugs. https://t.co/M0XfJ7cJxz ->
- @fuktwonk I'm waiting for to on VOD as I detest going to movie theaters. Too many people, plus the cost of not star… https://t.co/AuQtSMXsOX in reply to fuktwonk ->
- @LynxAfterDark Just make sure whatever smart device is paired to that can't phone home to the manufacturer. in reply to LynxAfterDark ->
- @rochhhellle As long as the douche doesn't a.) violate any rules/ordinances/laws by acting like a douche publicly,… https://t.co/ye6UTzt5H1 in reply to rochhhellle ->
- @IAmKevinBates Unlike sweater person, I voted because I made myself a promise:
The 1st candidate this cycle who ca… https://t.co/X4whgl6evZ in reply to IAmKevinBates ->