- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Nov.2014 – 21.Nov.2014" http://t.co/vAlqieGDeB ->
- @TeamChaotix Trust me, you're not. in reply to TeamChaotix ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/DSHXAZ6pCU ->
- I found 108 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83QIiT ->
- I found my 108 unfollowers via http://t.co/JRFI83QIiT ( @UnfollowedmeOrg ) ->
- RT @EcheMadubuike: This picture explains how many people feel in America tonight. #FergusonDecision #PrayForFerguson #PeaceInFerguson http:… ->
- Tequila, Vodka, White rum, Gold rum, Triple sec, Gin, Everclear, Sparkling Pink Moscato, Plum wine, Cola… That should do for Thanksgiving. ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Let's Play Skyrim with Biafra Republic Pt 4: Greybeards, dragons and awkward death. #TGNArmy http://t.co/7tLS0FaKJ9 ->
- RT @SilverSonic: Gonna bring Smash Wii U over to my grandparents for fun and stuff. Least 5 out of 8 of my cousins can at least play this a… ->
- RT @SilverSonic: Oh, Also I'm taking MK8 and Bayo 1 & 2 with me because yes. ->