- This is who I am planning on voting for this election (note this is a sample ballot generated online from my county… https://t.co/v4shuIeTFC ->
- Also note that the holes in the ballot are for Republicans who are unopposed, yet remain on the sample ballot. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Also, if anyone refuses to stop intimidating/blocking you after asking, take a picture & call your local FBI office… https://t.co/Vvrc7BcaBQ ->
- Also, contact the Voting section of the US Dept. of Justice’s Civil Rights Division: https://t.co/QvWLc4RtiM https://t.co/vLRhQrv7Ab in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @algiordano While it would be nice to see, I would not be betting much on it happening, Al. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Oct.2016 – 21.Oct.2016" https://t.co/Yb4VOA8P0K ->
- "A Trip to the Moon" has been colorized, musicified, and put on @netflix – Further proof of a godless universe.
https://t.co/DZdFjniijg -> - RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: The only thing that keeps me from knocking out idiots is #coffee. Not meditation not pills not aromatherapy etc, just c… ->
- Sixteen years already, guys! It has been surreal. Especially since I have been on staff in one form or another for… https://t.co/bBeGZTAjGn ->
- Yep, it's all fun and games until LaRouche's nutjobs start running for the Democratic nomination for your local con… https://t.co/1ln2EQUHaG ->
- Well, I am done with voting for .@HillaryClinton and .@timkaine as well as .@CornelWalker_16 and all the other .@texasdemocrats on my ballot ->
- @philvgersims Either that or vodka. in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @davonmagwood: Dude, you joked about pretend to be trans so you could creep on girls in the locker room. Sit this one out. https://t.co/… ->