- @Spacemania Oh, you'll be fine…
.… https://t.co/m7wNTJVXh9 in reply to Spacemania -> - RT @BrujoFaolan: https://t.co/RSwJjzDL78 ->
- @funder @LupineAssassin @tedcruz Twitter won't allow me to in reply to funder ->
- @mattdm How long did you want the uptime to be with all those tabs open? in reply to mattdm ->
- @Mendinso Is it "Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad"?
(Yes, this is an actual… https://t.co/rR5EhhNhKA in reply to Mendinso ->
- Tonight @ 9pm CST, we head back onto ESO and chillax on a Saturday on Twitch
- @mattdm Here is after a couple hours with 15 Chrome tabs, Discord, and 'sudo dnf -y update' in another terminal tab https://t.co/9xp4NWqOYR in reply to mattdm ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 16.Jan.2021 – 22.Jan.2021" https://t.co/EHZF8DsyzO ->
- @mattdm That is usually all I have open when using the laptop I use. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @facesinperil Well, guess the Network is being wound down here in the US. Makes one wonder what they are going to d… https://t.co/Jpkmft4NHH ->
- Are you T-Mobile #5G fast? Play this interactive video to find out. #GalaxyS21 5G. #TMobileTuesdays #useek… https://t.co/KFFrHDepQE ->
- Are you T-Mobile #5G fast? Play this interactive video to find out. #GalaxyS21 5G. #TMobileTuesdays #useek… https://t.co/W7YfDNLDkZ ->
- Tonight @ 9pm, we continue our attempt to break through onto Level 40 of the Tower of Barbs in LET IT DIE.
Tune in… https://t.co/ZJmWBRok1d ->
- If you have an iPhone and have no idea what the difference is between Apple Pay, Apple Card, and Apple Cash, you sh… https://t.co/9rP8YbekeV ->
- @Gamblewp7 You do know it was in the 70s throughout the Reagan era, right? in reply to Gamblewp7 ->
- https://t.co/9BiiNy1ymD https://t.co/oSVNFZtBI7 ->
- Tonight @ 9pm CST, we jump back into NieR:Automata as we grind our way to ending Y.
The adventure continues on Twi… https://t.co/ywASbtLeJT ->
- NOW STREAMING! B-Rep Live Streams – Fall Guys SEASON THR33 https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- STREAMING SOON! B-Rep Live Streams – Sonic Mania https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->