- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 16.Sep.2017 – 22.Sep.2017" https://t.co/qic9xVncHX ->
- #NewEnglandPatriots #TakeTheKnee at the start, #HoustonTexans don't. End result NE 36 HOU 33 – Moral of the story: Karma Is a Bitch! ->
- RT @southerncurl: Many people upset by #TakeTheKnee also support the Confederacy (and flag) and the people who left the US to fight against… ->
- RT @scottwalkerwtch: When one does #TakeTheKnee, it's a lot more respectful that flipping the bird or mooning the audience. Or tweeting lik… ->
- RT @TimmHiggins: If you're boycotting the NFL because of #TakeTheKnee, you're boycotting the 1st amendment. Full. Stop. ->
- @imnokla Unfortunately, that is not enforceable law, you neo-fascist cunt. That and the rest of the flag code were… https://t.co/bRkkgqdk6p in reply to imnokla ->
- .@wilw what is your opinion on the new #SAGAFTRA #voiceactor agreement? ->
- More rumors of Twitter limit expansion and @agtuff just had a birthday! ->
- @ImLarryFlynt This should be the new image on the .@HustlerMag Wikipedia page (currently it uses the April 2004 Res… https://t.co/RlgKmpNVPH in reply to ImLarryFlynt ->