- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 17.Nov.2018 – 23.Nov.2018" https://t.co/s967mAofKa ->
- RT @TMobile: Help fight hunger by #GivingOnUs.
Retweet this message today and we’ll help @FeedingAmerica donate 10 meals on your behalf fo… ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Please scan your PCs and/or change your Microsoft passwords. Your Skype is throwing me dodgy links. ->
- @sonicyoda Be sure to patch up, both officially and otherwise. Especially with Morrowind as its graphics have not aged well. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @GavvieUK Try Rush Coil's 8-Bit Christmas. in reply to GavvieUK ->
- @RealDDP
@DDPYoga Now Week 9 complete.I started out 9/30 @ 350 lbs.
My weight today 11/30? 307 lbs.
That is 43 p… https://t.co/I12gpb4iYK -> - @FelixKnowsNFL @DDPYoga @RealDDP I am doing a mix of several low carb diabetic food plans (mainly a mix of good stu… https://t.co/KeOsfLbWGp in reply to FelixKnowsNFL ->
- @joemac484 @DDPYoga @RealDDP Day one was a difficult stretch even starting at Beginner 2.0, but with #DDPYoga , DDP… https://t.co/iQ17T00gxz in reply to joemac484 ->