- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 19.Mar.2016 – 25.Mar.2016" https://t.co/UPZUpiz8nI ->
- @spexfox Congrats on being selected as a delegate at your local caucus. in reply to spexfox ->
- Wow. I take 2 days off of Twitter and it takes me just as long to catch up. Damn promoted tweets. ->
- @lastmincontinue Something involving one of my let's play videos? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- #Miitomo #Miifoto https://t.co/V0fP9eOFzJ https://t.co/wl1cRBOBC4 ->
- RT @ZoomyRamen: https://t.co/3xCqWXy5HP #Miitomo #Miitomo_92c0c5z9 #en https://t.co/oGbSjox2DK ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: Do people really believe Donald Trump is against abortion? Just statistically speaking, he's probably paid for several ->
- @SvendJoscelyne It's interesting, isn't it? in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- Tweeting for an old acquaintance https://t.co/9K9dRiHBra ->
- @androidcentral I wonder what @JohnLegere has to say about this #tweetjohn in reply to androidcentral ->
- https://t.co/0ceYbOC4mN https://t.co/JmGBmnXTwL ->
- #Miitomo #MiitomoStyle https://t.co/zEhNXKFbJb https://t.co/qoJP8cq9CZ ->
- For the non-iSheep on Android, go here – market://details?id=com.nintendo.zaaa https://t.co/Wj5NCQxBo1 ->
- #Miitomo #MiitomoStyle https://t.co/zcDQA2vzWP https://t.co/07axFVJbFb ->