- Time to help elect some .@texasdemocrats over the last school shooting
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 19.May.2018 – 25.May.2018" https://t.co/w1O1xTkDvK ->
- On the #SantaFeShooting and the #GuiltyMen responsible for allowing it to happen to them.
- Okay, now I am done with the Death Generator
- @TheCoffeeSnolf This is why I prepared by saving my Keurig coffee pods. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- Roseanne is cancelled
Shame a promising series is cancelled like that, but with it's lead going off on a racist ti… https://t.co/lWaZxpMxJl ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Technically it is a 2DS. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- I personally have tweeted on Ambien several times with my walrus' encouraging me on, and the worst I have ever done… https://t.co/vnDs4vQlCG ->
- @SergeantIndie @quitetheoresama @doctoranovia I have to disagree. If sex was like pizza, I would have been making m… https://t.co/K1uLzBnSEG in reply to SergeantIndie ->