- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Cleaning is hard fucking work. Two days and the kitchen still isn't 100% clean. This is why I hate my cats… ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 19.Oct.2013 – 25.Oct.2013" http://t.co/PmKhlWwDtZ ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @FirechildKellyJ Opera Next is a good browser to use. in reply to FirechildKellyJ ->
- Gah! Hate cleaning enough already. Hate it even worse after finding a can of artichokes rupturing over a can of soup. >.< ->
- @FirechildKellyJ The one at http://t.co/UfebiUPkMp in reply to FirechildKellyJ ->
- RT @tinyfox852: @evilsibe :3 http://t.co/Tq5ORWD2FO ->
- @Max_Firestorm It's a shame Steam's web browser controls don't have Adblock Plus… in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @thekevineva .@eBay turned up 0 results for 'impotent internet clown'. Try .@craigslist … in reply to thekevineva ->
- Okay, time to get out of bed now that I accidentally upended a water cup on myself… ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->