- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Aug.2016 – 26.Aug.2016" https://t.co/MkNEbWcvyz ->
- @spexfox You do realize the Chrome to Phone extension has been deprecated on phone and no longer works in Desktop, right? in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @icecube: I will never endorse a mothafucka like Donald Trump! EVER!!! ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: It really doesn’t matter how big or how small they are, all cats are adorable morons. https://t.co/LTmwWdnd0s ->
- RT @timkaine: When Hillary and I say we're going to support small business families, we mean it. Why? We grew up in them.
https://t.co/zubg… -> - RT @Teamsters: #Teamsters endorse @HillaryClinton for President; Clinton will be a strong voice for working families: https://t.co/DsLZEEl9… ->
- RT @MichaelPallante: *watching a video of otters eating canned food* where the fuck do you get otter food??? ->
- RT @AndrewWK: https://t.co/mW6yAGE6oz ->
- Inconvenient truth: .@DrJillStein is a economy-ruining douche. ->
- @thekevineva I would, but all I have is Sugar Free Haribos in reply to thekevineva ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Trump just failed his first foreign test. Diplomacy isn't as easy as it looks. -H ->
- RT @davidmackau: you're going to need to be more specific https://t.co/TUc6WBh9j2 ->
- RT @silverfox5213: Tank kills…I mean thank you! https://t.co/8HfrL3pi6q ->
- @demandprogress @FBI @dailydot Technically there is a grain of honesty in that remark. in reply to demandprogress ->
- RT @jk_rowling: I'm going nowhere! Little known fact about filthy bourgeois neoliberal centrists – we're tougher than you'd think 😉 https:… ->