- In some ways, the Texas GOP are worse than al-Qaeda. The latter of the two at least admit they fucked that oil well… https://t.co/tIhPJuhuiH ->
- @XaldinWolfgang Neither. I am not buying another Pokemon game until Skitty is put back in to compliment Wailord (wh… https://t.co/igLr9BQGj0 in reply to XaldinWolfgang ->
- @fishiewishes Neither. Skip this generation at least until Skitty gets put back in. in reply to fishiewishes ->
- @fishiewishes Aside from breaking the only end game worth playing in Pokemon, the fact that one will need either th… https://t.co/0cIDqmz5kz in reply to fishiewishes ->
- B-Rep Live Streams – It's not streaming, it's ESO https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Feb.2021 – 26.Feb.2021" https://t.co/AtEeZOlEUv ->
- @RepCawthorn Yet you are just fine swanning off to CPAC in Orlando instead of do the job that at least a majority o… https://t.co/nTMZ07YQRV in reply to RepCawthorn ->
- Pre-Streaming NOW! B-Rep Live Streams – LET IT DIE *clapclap* https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- B-Rep Live Streams presents B-REP 38: The birthday stream of chaos and mayhem https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- Multiple luftballons https://t.co/UK7LRObOsR ->
- Today's stream is being delayed until 2:15pm due to system issues that should be fully resolved momentarily. ->
- B-Rep Live Streams – Randomizer selected game (LET IT DIE) https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- @sonic_hedgehog I dunno… The pyramid scheme idea may have some promise, just needs to be retooled a bit in reply to sonic_hedgehog ->
- B-Rep Live Streams – It's not streaming, it's ESO https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->