- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Jul.2019 – 26.Jul.2019" https://t.co/7H7q05s1oo ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Terrible, just terrible in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @mstankow @JenKatWrites @BboyMaestro Can we call this angry millenial-hating parent #BanhammerBetty ??m in reply to mstankow ->
- @lukeisamazing https://t.co/oBmIF8Bv2C in reply to lukeisamazing ->
- RT @toejamandearl: CONTEST: We will send 2 switch codes (either US or EU) randomly to anyone who RTs this within the next 48 hours of posti… ->
- @TheBritishAndy Chili and cheddar cheese on fries is much tastier than that monstrosity. in reply to TheBritishAndy ->
- @Stag_gerLee I am old enough to remember 5 for $5 coupons on the beef and cheddars in reply to Stag_gerLee ->
- @RunRichRun @kendallybrown @vermontgmg Technically that isn't even true. JPATS (Justice Prisoner and Alien Transpor… https://t.co/LgopifH2S9 in reply to RunRichRun ->
- @RealLeitungVG 3 is perfectly fine and safe, thank you. in reply to RealLeitungVG ->
- @NonnerBird ? in reply to NonnerBird ->
- The card has arrived, after 11 days of waiting from recommendation to arrival.
I am now an official medical mariju… https://t.co/tK3VmdbGxh ->
- Had got the email t re re to to e to yo free to be a use we try yeah defects us e the best and hope to E too broke… https://t.co/5VFbVAFovd ->
- Hi had j he do do at deer to joy St he the fee you ride home to the try the try it we do I ok if to yo it e do yr try it ftytt ->
- @Late_Night_Fox Green, definitely green in reply to Late_Night_Fox ->
- Wow… I was really stoned last night…
Then again, I am pretty stoned right now… https://t.co/yS53QCbpXN ->