- So much for getting to try .@BBM for Android before moneygeddon 2013 part 6… ->
- I dunno what the dad in this story was smoking, but there are no firearm items in Minecraft. Right @jeb_ ? http://t.co/GmhceLYMJr ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 21.Sep.2013 – 27.Sep.2013" http://t.co/1U6MdG7nEv ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo You know full well the SEC and their site are considered 'essential operations' They'll stay up until at least the default. in reply to Det_Conan_Kudo ->
- @thekevineva Because they were never subliminally trained to read and understand Chinglish like our generation has been in reply to thekevineva ->