- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 21.Sep.2019 – 27.Sep.2019" https://t.co/WxWxlFpkss ->
- @sonicyoda I would blame some B.S. anti-piracy hackjob buried inside. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @TheTeaSnolf I am going to have to go with Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). in reply to TheTeaSnolf ->
- @Late_Night_Fox Well, no turning back now… https://t.co/5J4eSOyBqd in reply to Late_Night_Fox ->
- @jennokammi @JustSayChristi1 @MaraWilson Actually, according to SCOTUS, student led and initiated prayer is technic… https://t.co/WlP9zk2rYz in reply to jennokammi ->
- @ROSCALION420 Speaking as an Android user, locked-down lifestyle products do not interest me all that much. in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- @DynamoSuper Zelda, eh?
I may need a larger glider to get off the plateau in BotW… in reply to DynamoSuper ->
- RT @DynamoSuper: Your Birthday decides which Nintendo universe you'll wake up and be trapped in for eternity. Good luck! ?⚖️? #nintendoswit… ->
- @VizardJeffhog Happy birthday, etc. in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- @fuktwonk Happy Birthday Tweaker-kun in reply to fuktwonk ->
- @toejamandearl I got it
GETAF-UCKIN-GLIFE in reply to toejamandearl ->
- @TheTeaSnolf To be fair, if people from Alberta were given a proper choice, for example the snow, Justin Trudeau, o… https://t.co/R1rj1FCy3f in reply to TheTeaSnolf ->