- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 23.Apr.2016 – 29.Apr.2016" https://t.co/GHdPTilAkA ->
- @SSF1991 I am mixed on them as well. Half the rewards are Miitomo DLC, a third of them are coupons, and the rest retro games or Wii U games in reply to SSF1991 ->
- @spexfox Here is a friendly reminder poke that I sent a friend request to you on Miitomo in reply to spexfox ->
- The Zodiac Killer exits the race to go back into hiding – https://t.co/GgdbNoBLIj ->
- CA voters who want to #StopTrump should chg vote reg to Dem or "no party preference" by 5/23 & vote @HillaryClinton at the 7 June Primary ->
- RT @CharlieCrist: Trust me, it's never too late to join @TheDemocrats. #StopTrump ->
- RT @LiberalMmama: Get used to pics of thug cops attacking protesters if Trump is elected,it will be every day! #StopTrump #ImWithHer https:… ->