Twits at Ten for 2012-02-27

  • @Abbywolfox Shouting at someone's anus is actually 'face-sitting'. 'Skyrimming' is actually giving someone a rimjob on airplane in flight… #
  • @ValorB Try watching a David Starkey documentary. It's great for such times when sleep is needed… #
  • @m1kepro The issue with the copyright footer is the only issue with the site. #
  • @m1kepro The copyright footer aligns to the middle vertically on Android's browser… #
  • @FlintyFoxy Good luck. We Americans don't even get those… #
  • @nyannyancat ….. NYAN? o.O #
  • @bhratbrat Because they've been using the same package since 1995 ("Eyewitness (@YouTube #
  • While I like the Propulsion refresh for KHOU, this video has an annoying buzz g (@YouTube #
  • @BirdieGryphon Mix warm water & rubbing alcohol together, then pour resulting mix in affected ear & let sit for a minute before draining. #
  • @Abbywolfox Just be careful your saliva doesn't get into any crevices… #