- Pls RT: ISPs are selling out customers by pushing a backdoor #SOPA Take action: http://t.co/kuVMjD2H via @demandprogress #
- @xkeepah Then do the job for him and say, "Sorry boss, this is for your own good." #
- @xkeepah Grab the stapler and staple him to the chair and push said chair from the PC (or just tie him up)… #
- @m1kepro You are joking, right? #
- @DarkOverord Yes, this is a new one. A third one. #
- @Abbywolfox So is yawning and laughter. #
- @DarkOverord This is likely going to devolve into a new browser war. #
- @DarkOverord Firefox refuses to use them due to licensing issues. Chrome gave up and switched to their recently purchased VP8 codec… #
- @DarkOverord No, Google and Mozilla share some blame in this, Microsoft's, and (up until recently) Google's HTML5 supported H.264 and AAC #
- @DarkOverord Despite all it's issues, Flash is still light years ahead of HTML5 video, which can't agree on a set of codecs… #
- @DarkOverord So? Even now, several years after the merger, most people I know still refer to it as Shockwave Flash, not Adobe Flash. #
- @Akhmin @Svend_SPOnG It's mainly a Firefox issue, IMO… Try Chrome. #
- @Svend_SPOnG I'm still staggering a bit from St. Patrick's day #
- @m1kepro Jelly has a gelatinous consistency, jam does not. #