- @Xial Reboot your router and clean all cookies and cache. That might help. #
- @Xial Tumblr must be basing it on IP addresses that report missing e was being used. #
- @Xial I don't think tumblr has a problem with missing e, it just wants you to acknowledge that if something breaks, it's not their fault. #
- @lynxdarkwynd Thankfully, Jehovah's Witnesses are easy targets. #
- @lynxdarkwynd The comeuppance machine gave many ideas. My favorite: "If a test determined your child would be born gay, would you abort it?" #
- @lynxdarkwynd Does it show who the pamphlet is by? I ask because my comeuppance machine usually has a wiry retort for such occasions 🙂 #
- @Xial Question is, what did it do to get a -1 before? #