- @roareyraccoon It's the curse of success, sooner or later some bastard is going to scream "rape" for no reason at all. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Don't forget Dolphin Browser HD #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo @xkeepah It's the second buggiest browser on Windows (behind AOL 9.7) #
- @xkeepah Try using an Android device. #
- @roareyraccoon You'll get used to it… #
- Also, time to gather up my TF2 hagz… @Akhmin @philvgersims @UrthyBewbs @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva etc. etc. etc. #
- @UrthyBewbs Well, there and over here. #
- @PhilWhitehall Because the Tories are in Government? #
- @magferret Does the fact that Wellbeing is two words, not one big word count? #
- Waiting for reply from job interview Business Day 3… #
- @ConanOBrien The prospect of the birth of the spawn of @snooki does not bode well for civil liberties activists… #