Twits at Ten for 2012-05-23

  • @philvgersims Because all the port has aged your body enough to trigger an early version of the mid-life crisis. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Yeah. Nintendo tapped into a new demographic with the Wii. I suspect they'll raise the bar further with the Wii U. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Haven't played much Castlevania since Symphony of the Night… #
  • @UrthyBewbs The closest thing I ever had to a holiday was evacuating from Hurricane Ike. #
  • @UrthyBewbs @Akhmin You'll have to get in line behind every Physical Education program in every school in the US #
  • @m1kepro Saw this, thought of you. Warning: might contain mocking of the dead… #
  • @NegriElectronic Sure, I'll take a chance at it if it comes to that level. #
  • @LupineAssassin If you think that's bad, wait until you realize that he won't get deported over this either… #
  • @LupineAssassin Who knows. The wife might have been smart enough to get an advantageous pre-nup #