- Hooray for the Sony/HTC alliance and PlayStation Suite,… err Mobile #sony #gte3. #GTE3 http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- @DarkOverord And are nothing but crap. #
- @DarkOverord The other main problem is that Sony and MS are whoring burning but crap FPS, Sandbox, and motion control games #
- @DarkOverord And their shareholders should be asking for their money back. At least MS is bringing a possibly multi-platform SmartGlass #
- @DarkOverord Actually was hoping for something better than the cursory announcement of Indie games & services that are universally available #
- I'm not getting much awesome from the ship battle on my end… #GTE3 http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- @DarkOverord Pretty much, yeah… #
- @DarkOverord I'm not a fan of the series. #
- AssCreed III, eh? [Insert joke stolen from @YahtzeeCroshaw here] amirite? #sony #e3 conference is not lookin good… http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- Great, another generic modern shooter on a small screen. What will we think of next, #Sony ? #gte3 #GTE3 http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- Wow… can't believe people still make fighting games with the advent of MUGEN #gte3 #e3 #sony #GTE3 http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- Watching the #Sony #E3 Conference. Beyond seems weird as fuck… #GTE3 http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- @Svend_SPOnG Well, if #Sony craps its #e3 conference, there's always the #nintendo conference. #
- @Farrallth Dude just transfer it. #
- @SonicWrecks Hit Bingo with the MS one only (Halo 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Resident Evil 6, Any crap Kinect game, and the Free space) #
- @dvolvemusic IP in general that is… #
- @dvolvemusic Not so much a lack of games as a lack of decent new IP. Most of that was reserved for the Kinect. #
- Watching the #GTE3 stream live. MS was a disappointment. Only halfway decent game in there was the South Park one… http://t.co/CJOYaaMT #
- If you are watching the #Ubisoft and/or #ea conferences, don't bother. They're both shit developers. #
- Don Mattrick is closing the #Microsoft conference with CoD:BlOps 2. For those following me, I'm kicking back until the #Sony #e3 conference #
- And for the hetero chicks watching the #e3 #Microsoft conference…. USHER! #
- What's with all the fucking dance games? I just want to sit on my ass and play video games! Enough already! #
- Hours of R&D to make a crappy game Matt and Trey? You just described every developer out there. #
- South Park Lord of the Rings? #e3 #Microsoft #
- Alex Ruiz looks like she is high as a kite. #e3 #Microsoft #
- I would make an undead pun here, but I'm sure @YahtzeeCroshaw will have me beaten to the punch as far as Resident Evil 6 jokes are concerned #
- I plan on skipping the #EA and #Ubisoft conferences, as I'm not a fan of EA and Ubisoft has disappointed me lately… #
- Quick Twitter poll: Who's watching the #EA and #Ubisoft #e3 press conferences? #
- For all my hetero friends watching the #Microsoft #e3 conference,… Look, Titties! #
- @cdrom1019 That's one word for it. Another one would be "blatant ripoff" #e3 #Microsoft #
- Smart Glass = cheap way to compete with Wii U controller #
- When you watch a porno, does your tablet or smartphone stimulate your prostate? #e3 #Microsoft #
- @xkeepah There's always the #Nintendo #e3 conference tomorrow #
- Okay, #Microsoft has shit taste in music. #e3 #
- Xbox: Give head. #e3 #Microsoft #
- @Farrallth My point exactly #
- @Farrallth Fuck Netflix, who uses Vudu? #
- @Farrallth Verizon Wireless users, mainly. #
- @Farrallth You get the rope, I'll file these Skrillex CDs into makeshift knives. #
- Fuck no. Gears Of War sucks as a franchise. Why #Microsoft why? #e3 #
- New fable looks like bad live action Dragon Ball #e3 #Microsoft #
- But Joe Montana? Really? Blow all your marketing money and couldn't get Michael Vick, #Microsoft ? #e3 #
- Okay, at least you can curse out the referee in FIFA 13. #e3 #Microsoft #
- Splinter Cell Blacklist looks okay, I guess. Halo 4, IMO should not exist though. #e3 #Microsoft #
- @Akhmin Days do not matter much right about now. #
- @Akhmin Well, right now, I'm winding down, but I'll probably be awake again about 3-4PM BST. #