- @spexfox The HR person said my offer letter (with starting time/date) will be in my inbox by Monday latest. #
- @spexfox Just heard back from them. I got the job! They made me an offer for $15/hr. in Houston, which I took. #
- @Dragoneer Did you try adblock? #
- Two Follow Friday Specials this week to @NintendoAmerica and @Ubisoft for their successful #E3 conferences. #FF #
- #ff picks: @Farrallth @philvgersims @UrthyBewbs @Akhmin @Abbywolfox @spexfox @xkeepah @CjFoxie @lynxdarkwynd @Xial @Det_Conan_Kudo @ValorB #
- Follow Friday Lotto in a couple, minutes, people. #ff #
- Arby's Urinal Burns Customer's Genitals With "Jet Of Steam", Leads To Lawsuit – http://t.co/9gWMC8Gz via @Huffingtonpost #