- Crap. Slashed my foot a bit on a piece of glass. Heading to emergency room… #
- @SilverSonic1534 It's hitting now. You're off by an hour #
- @aquadan88 Look on the bright side, at least it's someone decent for president taking a visit rather than a douche like Bush. #
- @Akhmin It looks sorta like Marilyn Manson during his Golden Age Of Grotesque period… #
- @m1kepro Maybe your ISP is sniffing the packets incoming and is choosing to block them. It happens sometimes. #
- @m1kepro did you update your conf files and port forward accordingly? #
- @m1kepro What about your router? Is port 22/tcp and 22/udp mapped and forwarded to the server? #
- @Urtheart Because you live in the UK, silly. #