- #FF WINNERS: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @ShaddixLCroft @SonadowOnline @SonicTweaker @spexfox @m1kepro #
- Time for a Follow Friday orgy! Stand by while I draw the names… #ff #
- @Dragoneer it's like the last days of Toonami with the robots on the break bumpers… #
- Disappointed this didn't get played at the #royalwedding http://t.co/XlpV9l7 #
- @thekevineva I thought you Brits banned vuvuzelas after you came back from the World Cup in South Africa? #
- #RoyalKiss courtesy of my TV tuner card… http://t.co/Al3DHdh http://t.co/OvBefbr #
- TSA Says Complaining About TSA Means You're a Terrorist… Time to destroy both parties and introduce new ones… http://t.co/GxHP5Ad #
- NVIDIA and @AndroidPolice are giving away a free XOOM Wi-Fi at http://bit.ly/ap-xoom. COME ON AND XOOM![/bad_pbs_joke]. Seriously, go for it #