- @sonicyoda Some right-wing nut who also said the #rapture would happen in 1994 #
- #ff 1 Follow Friday Special this week to @SwiftKey – VIP Beta open today only. Go to http://t.co/qEtZpXz & signup using code #swiftkeyFRIDAY #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @GreenYoshi99 @IcemanEtika @m1kepro @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @RubyEclipse @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Super Lottery time! Time to fire it up… (Interested on a follow friday chance, follow me) #ff #
- @RovioMobile While it's already available on PC via Intel AppUp, any chance for Angry Birds on Valve's Steam? It would be so cool if it was. #
- @Akhmin @philvgersims You and I both ^_^ in reply to MyllerSouza #
- @FlintyFoxy Not until they release Half-Life 2 Episode 3 first… #