Twits at Ten for 2012-02-08

  • @TitansCreed Blame Twitter for Android. #
  • @TitansCreed @thekevineva @jennytablina Small-c conservatives believe it's okay to be gay so long as you are powerful and married with kids. #
  • @dvolvemusic GoldenEye is so 1998. TF2 is the real shit. #
  • @FlintyFoxy Dr. Bia recommends this concoction: 1 lg can Red Bull, 250mL orange juice, and a dash of Frank's Red Hot. Stir briefly and serve #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf One last thing… This will hurt a lot, but stay clear of Father Bob, his paedophilia will be revealed to all in 5 years. #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf NOTE: This does not mean mom should know this. She won't be ready about your sexuality for another decade. #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf And another thing.. The reason girls don't seem to think you exist isn't because you're weird, it's because you're queer. #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf … Seriously. Forget the fast food combos, go into the backyard, and pick yourself some salad fixings from the garden. #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf Also, I know this will be an difficult task living near a Wendy's and a Burger King, but do try to lay off all that crap. #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf Bad news: Your parent's marriage will be over before the end of the 90s. And it will be messy… #
  • #Dear14YrOldSelf Good news: You can breathe easy, kid. That teacher responsible for making you repeat 7th grade is retiring in June… #
  • #Dear14YearOldSelf And another thing.. The reason girls don't seem to think you exist isn't because you're weird, it's because you're queer. #
  • #Dear14YearOldSelf … Seriously. Forget the fast food combos, go into the backyard, and pick yourself some salad fixings from the garden. #
  • #Dear14YearOldSelf Also, I know this will be an difficult task living near a Wendy's and a Burger King, but do try to lay off all that crap. #
  • #Dear14YearOldSelf Bad news: Your parent's marriage will be over before the end of the 90s. And it will be messy… #
  • #Dear14YearOldSelf Good news: You can breathe easy, kid. That teacher responsible for making you repeat 7th grade is retiring in June… #
  • Interesting thing today… A handicapped parking space in a no parking fire lane zone… #
  • @aquadan88 Have you tried Bluberry PodPress? #
  • @mysimplemobile Phone: LG G2x; Connection: UMTS; Server: Houston, TX; Download: 4113; Upload: 1157k Ping: 109 – #